6 Diet Tips To Help Prevent Bone Erosion

6 Diet Tips to Help Prevent Bone Erosion
Bone dissolution is the biggest problem of unhealthy fed individuals! But we can avoid this problem with a healthy diet. Here are the tips of healthy bones!

1) Increase your calcium intake
Increase your calcium intake

Because calcium is the foundation that allows the bones to stay intact. However, this is exactly what everyone should do. The sooner you start taking steps to prevent bone melting, the better your chances of success. Therefore, you should also check your family history. You may have a genetic problem. Go to doctor.

2) Reduce salt intake
Another step of preventing bone loss is to reduce the amount of salt we consume daily.  You should also know that this salt increases the amount of calcium your body excretes through urine. If you do not prevent this, your bones will become thinner over time.

To avoid this, take a calcium supplement or consume more calcium-rich foods.

3) Eat more nuts
Eat more nuts
These foods are rich in minerals that make up stronger bones such as phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and calcium. We recommend that you only eat natural nuts because commercial versions usually contain too much sodium and fat. This makes these foods quite unhealthy.
Ideally you should eat one to two servings of nuts each day.

4) Do not use carbonated beverages!
Women who consumed cola every day were found to have smaller bones than those who did not consume these beverages (2006 Research).

5) Eat milk and milk products every day
 Eat milk and milk products every day
Milk and dairy products are absolutely perfect for preventing bone resorption. Because of its calcium content, milk and dairy products help keep the bones strong.
